Each new year brings us a bit more wisdom and experience. Why not use some of this wisdom to make healthier choices over the next 12 months? Regular exercise and healthy eating will increase your energy levels and lower your risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.
The Weight-control Information Network WIN (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK) offers the following tips and tricks for older adults.
Healthy Eating
* Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and cause you to consume more high-fat food later in the day. You can keep your eating habits in check by sharing meals with friends or other people you trust.
you enjoy.
* Eat just enough for you. Don’t eat more than your body needs. As many seniors struggle to get enough vitamin D, vitamin B-12 are important nutrients. Avoid high-fat and high-salt foods. Include enough fiber in your diet.
* Prepare meals in advance. Make ahead and freeze your meals to have ready-to go meals.
Physical Activity
* Start with 10 minutes of slower activity, and build up to 30 minutes of more brisk activity.
* Try different types of exercise. Different types of exercise have different benefits for your body. Aerobic activity can help you lose weight and increase energy. Strength training strengthens your bones and muscles.
* Be active with family and friends. You can stay active by having a friend.
Call WIN at 1-877-946-46727 for more information or visit www.win.com. www.win.niddk.nih.govTake a look at the free brochure. “Young at Heart: Tips for Older Adults.”