Blindness occurs every five seconds. However, in 80 percent, it can be avoided. Blindness caused by eye disease can be treated but only if detected early.
EyeCareAmerica, a public program of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology is offering free eye examinations by volunteer ophthalmologists to help prevent unavoidable vision loss. Ophthalmologists can be described as medical doctors that specialize in eye and vision care. They are able to perform complex surgeries, such as glasses, or even provide prescriptions.
“More than 45 million people worldwide are blind,” says Richard P. Mills, MD. “In many cases, the most severe eye diseases offer no warning signs, until it’s too late and vision loss is irreversible. But regular eye exams can help you catch problems early, while there is still time to treat conditions and prevent permanent loss of sight.”
EyeCare America offers year-round eye examinations at no cost to anyone 65 years and older. Nearly 7,000 EyeCare America ophthalmologists provide eye exams in the United States and Puerto Rico.
People who are curious
You can find the complete program at www.eyecareamerica.orgTo find out if they are eligible, Online referrals allow family and friends to quickly find out if they are eligible to match with an ophthalmologist.
Although some eye diseases like cataracts progress slowly and present symptoms, others such as diabetic retinopathy (DMD), age-related macular damage (AMD), or glaucoma can cause severe eye problems. If caught early, they can be treated with a medical eye examination. Vision loss can occur when these conditions start to manifest as blurred vision or black areas in the field.
EyeCare America is a service that provides services for seniors with eye disease and those who are at high risk. EyeCare America helped more than 1.5 million people in its first year.